Servietten… are a collection of pieces for harpsichord. So far three have been completed.


  • 13.07.2019: added demo of Serviette 10.
  • 01.12.2018: Serviette 9 and 11 (part 1) were completed. Serviette 11 consists of 4 parts.
  • 01.04.2018: Serviette 13 was completed.
  • 12.02.2018: Serviette 1 was completed.

files / completed

Name Length Date MIDI YouTube FLAC Opus
1: Introduzione 11:30 2013?-19.09.2019 🔗 🔗 🔗 🔗
9: Alla Marcia, Crescente 05:48 2014?-28.08.2019 🔗 🔗 🔗 🔗
13: Sfamale 01:32 2014?-01.12.2018 🔗 🔗 🔗 🔗

files / in progress

Name Length Date MIDI YouTube FLAC Opus
2: Rivolto
3: Quasi un’idea
8: Proseguimento
10: Sterminio Totale
11: Conclusione
12: Insibilis, Tragedia

files / old stuff & demos

Name Length Date MIDI YouTube FLAC Opus
1: Introduzione (demo) 12:19 …-07.05.2015 🔗
8: Proseguimento (excerpt) 01:50 …-07.05.2015 🔗
9: Alla Marcia, Crescente (demo) 03:12 …-07.05.2015 🔗
10: Sterminio Totale (demo) 07:08 2018?-19.08.2019 🔗 🔗 🔗
11.1: Conclusione 06:53 2013?-19.08.2019 🔗 🔗 🔗
11: Conclusione (demo) 05:23 …-07.05.2015 🔗
11: Conclusione (accordion) (demo) 08:59 …-28.08.2015 🔗
12: Insibilis, Tragedia (demo) 02:17 …-07.05.2015 🔗
13: Sfamale (demo) 01:21 …-07.05.2015 🔗

All released music sources (MIDI) are available via GIT and can be obtained by a simple clone:

git clone https://upstream.нсрср.рус/music.git

Rendered audio can be downloaded directly at files.нсрср.рус.